Thursday, March 12, 2009


Last night we watched a video teaching by Beth Moore in her Esther series. She talked about "destiny" and reflected on the Esther 4:14-15 verses that are so popular - that Esther was the Queen "for such a time as this."

Here's some common denominators about destiny . . .

1) We expect it to feel different than it does.
2) It will often be crisis that God uses to pivot our direction
3) There is human dilemma in destiny - like . . .
a) poor timing (this is not the right time for this! But God's time is always prime-time!)
b) unreasonable expectations (this is humanly impossible for me to step into)
c) it's tough being a person thrown a giant sized weight
d) risky identification - destiny appoints one and effects many
4) one of the most important parts of fulfilling our destiny will be transparency
a) the revelation of a person's destiny always demands revelation of the person

Have you thought about destiny before? I think the future moves toward us and when we come into it, what are we doing? Have you thought about God bringing about your destiny or that he even cares about that?

He does! Thanks for sharing last night and I pray that all of us will be able to come into a new revelation of God's destiny for us!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Nooma - "Shells"

TNT was able to review the Nooma "Shells" on Wednesday, March 4. We had a good time watching the video and discussing it after wards. This was aided by a group volunteering their time and delivering ice cream sundaes. ( cream...)

Pressing forward, the discusson was really good because I feel like the Nooma really spoke to a number of people (or maybe just myself...) In the Nooma, Rob's son is on the beach collecting sea shells and then he stumbles upon a star fish... Only he can't grab the star fish because he has so many broken sea shells in his hands... Raising the question - have we filled our time with so many good things (broken sea shells), that it inhibits our ability to go after that one, really great thing in our life???

Karen C. made the good points that "all decisions involve loss" and "embrace your limits"... Wise words to keep in mind, if you are giving your time to certain things, it is taking away your time from other things, and maybe from that one, really important thing...

We prayed together as a group and then stormed out of the room, ready to take on the world!