Thursday, August 28, 2008

Service Project!

Okay, so everyone keeps wondering what exactly we get to do for our first service project. Well I am here to tell you...wonder no more! Here are the details...

When: Saturday, September 20th, 2008
Where: Melcher-Dallas, Iowa
What time: Meet at Third Church lower parking lot at 7:50 a.m. (Not a typo. I know it is early, but this sets up a wonderful nap in the afternoon.)
What we are doing: We are helping a men's group at Third clean up a property in Melcher. There will be lots of out doorsy type jobs. Mowing, trimming trees, cleaning gutters, trimming, pulling weeds, raking leaves.

Jake - what should I bring? I am glad you asked. You should bring your positive attitude, comfortable work clothes, older shoes, a rake if you have one, work gloves, a smile, and a strong back. (Strong back optional.)

We will only be working for about 4 hours and will be back by 12:30 p.m.

This will be a huge blessing to a family in Melcher and really spread the love of Christ. Please consider helping out!

Any questions or comments, let me know!

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