Monday, September 15, 2008

Wednesday September 17

Hi All!
We are starting our study of the book of James this week at TNT!! I just wanted to post a little something about this week since I've had some questions about details. Here's the scoop...we'll start at 6pm with FOOD. This week we're going to have a potluck so just bring a dish to share. If you have children, they are welcome to eat with us and then you can take them to nursery when we're done eating. We will be meeting in room 101. After our meal we'll study James and we'll end promptly at 8pm. For further discussion we will be posting things on the blog so that people who want to continue the discussion can blog about it during the week.'s what you should bring along...

1) food to share
2) A Bible if you'd like (not a requirement but might be helpful)

We'll see you all Wednesday night!!

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